How To Grow A Beard For The First Time – What I Have Learned So Far

Growing a beard, seems simple right put down the razor and within 3 weeks you’ll have a beard that makes other men jealous. I wish it was that easy. Let me tell you my experience so far and the truth to the seemingly easy but complicated things you need to do to grow the perfect beard.

So my story begins at the start of this year. I spent 23 years of my life completely beard free, I use to shave religiously even when I had very little stubble on my face. Baby face assassin that was my look. Towards the end of this year I turned 24 but still looked 17. I was tired of constantly getting asked for I.D anywhere I went, and decided it was time to beard.

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January 2017 came, and the razor was put down. The game had began, mission ago.

One Week In

The usual stubble, I just looked like I ran out of razors or had gotten a little lazy. No itching, I didn’t even really look different.

Two Weeks In

A little more stubble then usual, still no beard. I started to question myself. “Can I even grow a beard. Grandfather, why have your genes betrayed me”.

Three Weeks In

The stubble had matured, an annoying itch had begun. The stubble was attacking me, turning and pointing back into my skin. Why beard, why do you annoy me so. Did a bit of research this can’t be normal, I said. However it was. So I went and bought beard oil.

4-6 Weeks In

Beard oil became my bestfriend. It came everywhere with me. The itch it had gone. Beard oil had become my savior, thank you my friend. I put it in religiously twice a day everyday, and this routine I still do today. It’s good for the beard, makes it nice a soft. If you are growing a beard. GET BEARD OIL.

1-3 Months In

The beard started to turn from stubble to something I could almost be proud of. Close to month 3, I noticed the beard was dancing left right and everywhere. It pointed in every direction, It was free, and it never wanted to be tamed. Sorry Beard. I researched again and found another friend. Hello Beard Balm. ( This is also where I ditched a cheap black plastic comb I was using and bought a Kent comb ). Kent combs are made of better material and don’t cause static and help to help control the beard. The combination of the beard oil and balm helped but the beard still had dreams of being free.

4-6 Months In

The beard still with its dreams of freedom needed to be tamed. So once again I turned to my bearded brothers and a beard brush was ordered. This was slightly expensive coming in around €35/$40. However the beard stopped dancing, its dreams of being free were fading. With the beard oil and balm combo the beard was a little more under control, but was still growing so had become a little wavy. I knew in time this wave would grow out.

7-8 Months

“A beard trim please”, one of the proudest moments of my life. I went to my barbers, I had grown this mane, I have made FIRE.


Now i am still letting things fill in and its not quiet where I want it to be yet, but I will update at the year mark.

Beard Beginner Essentials

A quality beard oil ( hydrates the skin, stops itching )

A quality beard balm ( helps provide both shine and control )

Mustache wax or beard wax ( added styling )

and most importantly just relax. Patience and leave that razor down. Actually throw it out the window.

Guys with beards are lazy..

Probably the most ridiculous sentence I have ever heard in my entire existence. The negative stigma attached to men with beards still exists in 2017. People still classify the urban beardsman as a dirty, lazy, pest to society who probably doesn’t have a girlfriend and claims benefit off the government. ( and still lives in his moms basement ). Okay okay maybe the negative stigma isn’t that bad but hey it still exists. For the humble gent who has never attempted growing a majestic beard or a beard of any caliber let me tell you a few reasons why growing a beard is definitely not lazy.

For 23 years of my life I had zero facial hair as in 0 none. I use to shave every single day actually, without fail. It didn’t take much work really just slap on some Gillette mens shaving cream and shave it off with a disposable ( I know what your thinking but I refuse to pay $10 plus for replaceable blades ). Anyway one fine summer day I said okay im going grow it out, to see what I would look like with a beard. I learnt one thing having a beard takes so much more work and effort then simply not having one and shaving everyday. Before I grew out my beard I knew nothing of beard oil, beard balm and do you know beards have there own shampoo and conditioner. I used a plastic brush to comb it but no that creates static, so I switched to a Kent handmade comb. Still once the beard grew this was no longer good enough for it. Ebay was called upon once more and a Kent military style bristle brush arrived ( this was not cheap let me add ).

Having a beard takes routine and a lot of effort. Like for example I put beard oil in my mane twice daily and if im going out or need to look that bit more slick in goes the beard balm. I comb the beard at various points throughout the day to tell it which way I want it to be. Then every second day it gets its own wash with its own shampoo and conditioner. Now if I was to not have a beard shaving takes at maximum 5 minutes. I spend at least 20 minutes doing something with my beard daily.

So who is lazy ? Us the bearded men ? I think not.